Planning a Graduation Party Your Child Will Never Forget

by | Private Events

Are you the parent of a graduating senior?  If so, you are probably looking for a way to celebrate and commemorate your child’s accomplishments.  Finishing high school or college is a big deal, so it is worth making a big deal out of it! What better way to show your child how proud you are than by throwing him or her a graduation party.  While parties are a lot of fun, they can also be a lot of work. Planning this type of party can feel a bit overwhelming. At the North Shore Event Center, we are all about celebrations. Let our experienced staff guide you in the party planning so that you can relax and enjoy the festivities with your friends and family.

Graduation Party Ideas

Before you decide on a theme for the graduation party, you might want to start with the size of the festivities.  Will you keep it small, with just family? Or will you go all out and open the guest list up to friends as well? Once you have an idea of how many people will be in attendance, you can think more about the specific details, such as theme,  menu, party favors, and more.

School Colors Party

A natural choice for the graduation party colors is the school colors of the graduate.  With so many party supply stores and online vendors out there, it shouldn’t be hard to find the right combination.  Utilize the school colors on the invitations, party decorations, and favors to keep a consistent vibe throughout the party.  If you’re crafty, consider making your own Oreos dipped in the school colors. Those who are not into DIY can order customized M&Ms in the school colors–a fun idea for a party favor!

Interactive Guest “Books

One fun way to engage your guests at a graduation party is to replace the guest book with a fun activity.  Ask party guests to help out the recent graduate by providing one piece of sage advice for adult living.  Instead of a guest book, it’s a guest advice column! Collect these words of wisdom in a small bound book for the graduate to take with them wherever they go next.  Or provide a globe and a Sharpie and ask guests to sign where they’ve been. It will provide inspiration for the young grad who is wondering where life will take him.

Outdoor Party Ideas

Most graduations take place in the late spring or early summer, so why not consider an outdoor graduation party?  A barbecue or picnic theme is a natural choice at this time of year. Classic barbecue foods like hamburgers and hot dogs are universally appealing, or you can take it up a notch with locally-sourced sausages.  If you are looking for something a little bit different, think about hosting a graduation luau. You can put a spin on the traditional barbecue menu with some grilled pineapple and coconut-based desserts. Include some outdoor games such as volleyball or frisbee.  You can even have personalized frisbees made as a favor! If you choose an outdoor party, plan ahead for poor weather with a tent or space heaters.

If you are searching for a graduation party venue, give us a call at the North Shore Event Center.  Our facilities can accommodate both indoor and outdoor parties.  Our experienced staff is ready to help you plan the party of your dreams.  Let us worry about the details so you can enjoy the celebration.